every week i take a bus to go home and i ride a particular line because it has a lower fare price. in fact, it is even lower than the regular discounted price for senior citizens. so i find it irritating, nay, insulting that an old man, with all the free movies on monday, dedicated queue and car on mrt/lrt, and all the other discounts available for him, would think that he deserves a discount for the already low fare. his reason? everybody was paying the same price so him being above 60 years old should pay less. the gall of this geriatric goon.
why people have this false sense of entitlement, i'll never understand. in this vein...
everybody, please shut up about not wanting to have your facebook timelined. this issue is really getting on my nerves. facebook is free. you are posting irrelevant blow-by-blow details of your mundane life every minute as statuses for free. you are connected to a ridiculous amount of people not even half of which are your real friends for free. you are sharing hypocritical quote photos, linking music videos, and putting stuff nobody cares about day after day on your wall for free. you are given the privilege of doing all of these things for free and yet you act like everything should be done the way you want. you are no different from a bum begging for money and scoffing if its a mere peso or that old man demanding his extra special treatment.
if getting timeline is that much of a problem for you, then by all means, deactivate your account and slither back to friendster, myspace or multiply. but if you can comprehend that not paying a single cent makes your complaint pointless and invalid, then shut that bitching hole up and deal with it.
p.s. how do you protest against protesters?