Thursday, April 28, 2011

player select

on a gaming news blog, a socially important question was asked: what's your dream game? this i pondered over a teetering stack of cases of bottled anger for grammatically challenged company speakers suffering from dysarthria who should not be given the task of divulging vital information and insult my intelligence. my answer after this part where i pressed enter.

the world has ended and you are the last person alive. but unlike i am legend, there are no vampires fighting over a piece of your precious flesh. you are simply alone and free to do anything. and i mean, anything. everything works, there's enough water supply and electricity to last your singular needs for years. you can go anywhere. and i mean, anywhere. take a car and drive to the next city. locked doors can be kicked open or broken through with an axe. low fences do not constrain you to a certain path. you eventually end up on a skyscraper rooftop and fall and at this point you realize why you're the only one alive and why there is no life meter: you are immortal.

and then the mystery gradually unfolds. there is no specific location or action for the story to progress. you're out for food and you catch a glimpse of a moving shadow. you chase it but it's gone. clues pop up where you are, not where you have to be. the clues point to a place where there's a machine that will allow you to create one companion. the possibilities are endless. you can make a person of the opposite sex, an animal, a robot, anything. whatever you create, it will do your bidding.

later on, you'll find your companion dead, evidently murdered. you return to the machine to create a new one but the machine has been destroyed. and then from far, far away, a beam of light shoots up in the sky and when you follow its direction, you find out it is coming from an island which you must get to...

p.s. i dream of a future where there are no loading screens.
p.p.s. i left out the ending on purpose in case a game studio decides to purchase the idea. but i do have an ending in mind. you're god and its creation 2.0 and you're doing it as a human and erased your knowledge of goddom and... oh shit.

Monday, April 18, 2011

my better half is best

i am blessed to have a spouse whose external beauty is only surpassed by her internal resplendence. i plucked her from the flower garden and planted her in nibelheim. she now has surrendered herself to the hivemind.

she has temporarily rainchecked her nightingaling for the sake of our beautiful offspring's growth and has taken on the mantle of a freelance creative desginer. my swan wife weaves her clients' dreams into printer-bound realities. her husband is so proud of her inimitable talents and grateful for her pecuniary assistance. the stork had chosen wisely.

gianina, my wonder woman, the universe envies the expanse of my love for you.